Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Hacks for Hair Straightening at Home Naturally

Get Straight and Smooth Hairs at Home

To get straight, smooth and shiny hairs at home is possible with simple home remedies. Straightener, dryer, heat may damage the hairs. Beauty Tips has gathered these easy tricks which will work amazing to achieve straight and smooth hairs with home remedies.

1. Steam your hairs

After washing hairs, ones remove some excess water gently with the help of the towel; Do not dry completely and do not squeeze.

Now the main step, wet your towel in hot water and squeeze it completely. Immediately wrap towel around your hair without twisting and squeezing hairs. Simply wrap it. Thicker towel will be helpful to carry steam for longer time.

Keep it around 20-30 min. Practice the remedy evetime you wash the hairs.

2. Apply hot oil

Instead of applying normal oil, heat the oil for couple of minutes and apply it on scalp with the help of cotton ball.

This will help to straighten the hairs and it will also boost hair growth with increasing volume of hairs.

Do not comb hairs immediately after applying hot oil. Detangle hairs using your fingers.

3. Coconut milk mask

Take coconut milk and add some lemon juice to it.

Keep the mixture in fridge for few hours. Some creamy layer will come over the mixture.

Apply the mixture to your hairs and keep it around an hour. Wash your hairs with mild shampoo and conditioner.

This will help to make your hairs straight, smooth and shiny.

4. Use comb to make hairs straight

Once hairs are dried 70% after shower, remove knots with fingers and start combing it until it dries completely. You can use dryer with cold air.

5. Use cold water to rinse

Use cold or look warm water to wash your hairs using your favorite shampoo and conditioner. Hot water will make your hairs curly.



Usually we start combing hairs from root to tips. Instead comb from mid to tips and then start combing from scalp to tips.

Comb your hairs before shower.

Use comb with wide tooth; Wooden comb with wide tooth will be better.

Never rub and squeeze your hairs.

To avoid hair greying and fasten hair growth, click on this link:



If you like the remedy, do try it and share the link with your friends and family.

Stay tuned, stay healthy until next post! ðŸ˜Š



Saturday, June 27, 2020

Quick Trick for Pimple Free Moisturizer

Getting pimples, breakouts on using moisturizers? Problem Solved!!!

Everybody everywhere talks about moisturizing the skin. But many of us gets pimples and breakouts on using moisturizers. And sometimes it gets worse to deal this in winters. So, if you are facing any of the below problems, no need to worry! You yourself can solve the problem with 5-minute trick and winter skin care tips.

Skin gets dry but moisture causing pimples?

Dry patches and breakouts, pimples at the same time?

Combination skin that causes excess oil around nose and still dry patches on face?

On applying moisturizer, it feels greasy and clogging skin pores?

Dry and pimple prone skin?

Oil causing acne breakouts and still dry patches?

Unable to select good moisturizer?

Dealing with winter skin problems like extreme dry and rough skin?

Sensitive skin causing redness and breakouts?

Problem Solved 😊 : Yes!!! Now no more costly products and moisturizer, now you can make your custom moisturizer. Just a quick and easiest solution for all those problems.

Literally no hi-fi product or moisturizer.

This 5-minute tricks can be your skin savior.


All you need is Rose water, Glycerin and a fresh lemon.

Add 1 spoon of glycerin and 1 spoon freshly squeezed lime juice into a rose water bottle and shake it.

You are done!!! Store it in a cool place and use whenever required.

How to use

Apply mix on clean face with cotton ball before going to sleep at night.

Or you can store it in a spray bottle and spray it on face to massage.

You can use it for dry lips as well.


Glycerin work on soothing the skin to make it very soft and helps to heal the skin. It moisturizes skin and treats skin problem like acne, dryness, infections, wrinkles.

Lemon will help to remove dark spots, dark circles, acne scars and brightens skin tone.

Rose water will reduce redness and irritation of skin.

Rose water and glycerin are easily available at any shop and it’s not at all costly as well. It will benefit your skin like magic.


Firstly, remove the dead skin and rough dry patches of skin with simple homemade Ubatan which will act as scrub and it will exfoliate skin.

You can check the homemade remedy to make scrub at this link: https://unlockbeautytips.blogspot.com/2020/06/get-flawless-skin-with-simple-magical.html

Then start using this solution on face before going to sleep.


If you like the remedy, do try it and share the link with your friends and family.

Stay tuned, stay healthy until next post! ðŸ˜Š



Monday, June 22, 2020

Get flawless skin with simple magical homemade remedy

Here is my secret to transform skin from dull to healthy and glowing with natural ingredients.

Being a lady, we all suffer from those common skin problems like dullness, acne, acne scars, dark circles, tanning, sunburns and what not. Also everyday make up, chemicals boost those problem.

Let’s do this home remedy to fight with all skin problems with easily available natural ingredients at home. This is my grandmother’s remedy transferred to my mother and from my mother to me. It literally worked like magic on skin to get rid of those skin problems.

Rice Ubtan(Utane) for all skin types


½ cup rice

1 spoon til (Sesame)

3 spoon masoor (Lentil) 

½ spoon turmeric powder 

1 spoon fresh lemon juice

1 spoon aloe vera gel or fresh pulp

½ spoon honey

1 spoon milk

5 drops Bio oil – optional

1/3 cup normal water or Rose water


Soak the rice in water for 5 hours

Remove water from soaked rice and rinse it once

Take the dry ingredients til, masoor and make powder of it in mixer

Now add turmeric powder, lemon juice, aloe vera gel, honey, bio oil in the same mixer bowl of til and masoor powder

Add soaked rice in the mixture and add some rose water or normal water to make thin paste

Now grind the mixture only until granular structure; do not make smooth paste as soaked rice will easily get powdered in mixer

Take the mixture in a bowl and you are done!

How to use

Massage gently with the paste in circular upward direction, on a clean face

Keep it for 10 min until mask gets dry

Rinse the skin only with water; Do not use facewash or soap to clean

Ubtan can be used for face and body skin

For healthy skin, avoid using hot water for face and pat dry with towel; Do not rub the face skin

For best results, use 3 to 4 times a week

Also, in festival time like Diwali, this ubtan can be used


Exfoliate the skin – Granular structure works as scrub and removes dead cells from skin

Lemon – Lemon acts as natural bleach. It removes dark spots. Also, it lightens the skin and melanin pigmentation. It reduces dark circles under the eyes

Masoor dal – It removes excess oil, tightens the pores, removes tan and dark spots, nourishes the skin and helps to prevent acne

Turmeric powder – Turmeric is very useful due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It fights with acne and speed healing

Aloe vera pulp – Its highly effective on healing the skin, to fight skin aging, sun burns and acne. It lightens the blemishes on skin

Til Powder – It moisturizes the skin making it smoother

Honey – Its significantly speed up healing the skin cells. It hydrates even the driest skin. It also works as natural antiaging compound

Milk – It stimulates new cell growth and it’s the best cleanser which nourishes and moisturize the skin

Bio oil – It reduces the scars, improves appearance of uneven skin tone (both light and dark skin types) and retains skin moisture


Drink plenty of water, avoid sugary and bakery products; Intake green vegetables and adequate sleep will keep your skin glowing

Moisturize your skin regularly. If you get pimple on using moisturizers, then you can make your custom moisturizer in 5 Minute with the link:


If you like the remedy, do try it and share the link with your friends and family. 

Stay tuned, stay healthy until next post! 😊