Friday, July 10, 2020

Faster Hair Growth and Black Hairs

Home Remedy for fast hair growth, Black hairs and Dandruff removal

Hairs enhance the beauty of a woman. And it has greater impact on her personality.

Here is easy and effective home remedy you can do for faster hair growth, to avoid greying of hairs and to get black hairs naturally and also dandruff free hairs.


Faster Hair Growth

Add 2 spoon of fenugreek seed powder known as methi dane, in coconut oil or coconut milk with 4 spoon alovera gel.

Apply it on scalp and hairs and wash it after one hour with mild shampoo.

It will boost hair growth and will make hair stronger and thicker.


Black Hairs

Remedy 1 –

Soak overnight 5 spoon or around 50 gm fenugreek seeds in water. It will become like jelly.

Make the paste of soaked fenugreek seeds in mixture and apply it to hairs.

Wash your hairs after half an hour.

Remedy 2 –

Soak powder of fenugreek seeds in coconut oil for 4 days.

Filter the oil and use to make your hairs black.


Dandruff Free Hairs

Remedy 1 –

Mix fenugreek seed powder with lemon juice and some water. Apply it and wash after it get dry, with a mild shampoo.

Remedy 2 –

Mix fenugreek seed powder with curd and apply it on hairs.

Wash it after half an hour with mild shampoo.



Fenugreek seeds that is methi dane is easily available ingredient in all the kitchens.

It works efficiently on almost all the hair problems.

Fenugreek seeds promotes hair growth, prevent hair greying, removes dandruff and also improves the structure of your hairs by making it smooth and shiny.

Using it regularly before every hair wash, will give you the result.



To avoid hair fall and greying of hairs, use look warm or cold water to wash your hairs.

Use mild shampoo and conditioner. Never apply conditioner on scalp.

You can check the more remedies and tips, click on this link:


If you like the remedy, do try it and share the link with your friends and family.

Stay tuned, stay healthy until next post! ðŸ˜Š