Sunday, November 13, 2022

Almond Moisturizer at Home

Best Moisturizer At Home With Skin Benefits!!

Moisturizing is most important step in skincare routine. Even if your skin is naturally oily; It may look greasy and still be dehydrated inside.
Hence, Moisturizing everyday is must if you want to achieve that smooth, silky skin. Here is the moisturizer you can make at home which not only moisturizes the skin but also provide skin benefits with multi vitamins and chemical free.


Almonds - 10 to 12

Rose water - 2 tbl spoon

Aloe vera gel - 2 tbl spoon

Vitamin E capsule - 2 capsules


Soak 12 almonds overnight.

Peel and grind soaked almonds and make fine paste .

Add 2 table spoon of rose water in it then strain it using strainer with smaller holes or clean cloth to get smooth, fine paste.

Add 2 table spoon of aloe vera gel in it. If you are using fresh aloe vera then grind it first.

Squeeze two capsules of vitamin E in it. Vitamin E capsules will be available in any medical store.

If your skin is very dry then you can add 1 table spoon of almond oil. Others can skip this step.

Mix it well and store it in clean and dry container. You can store it for 15 days. If possible store it in fridge.


Almonds helps in generating new skin cells. Smoothens chapped skin and lips and also reduces sebum production Makes your skin glowing.
Protects skin from damage caused by sun exposure.

Vitamin E acts as antioxidant. It locks moisture in skin, make your skin look younger, prevent darkening of skin. It's anti-inflammatory property helps in skin cell regeneration. Help to lighten dark spots and scarring.

Aloe vera provides moisture and heals the chapped and cracked skin. Reduce infection and acne. Removes dead skin and reduces dark spots and blemishes.

Rose water hydrates your skin and help to achieve radiant and healthy glow.


Firstly, remove the dead skin and rough dry patches of skin with simple homemade Ubatan facewash which will act as scrub and it will exfoliate skin and remove white heads.

You can check the homemade remedy to make ubatan scrub facewash at this link

After face wash, always apply moisturizer before the skin dry out completely.  This way moisturizer will lock the moisture in skin.


If you like the remedy, do try it and share the link with your friends and family.

Stay tuned, stay healthy until next post! ðŸ˜Š